Shipping Companies List
Ship owner , crewing agent, ship management and charter.
Gedung Bimantara 18-19 floor, Jl. Kebon Sirih Kav. 17-19 Jakarta Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 3927446, 3927447 (hunting) fax. (62-21) 3927449 telex.
69196 SPA IA, Cable: SPASHIP
E-mail :
Website :
Ship owner, ship management, crewing agent and charter
Menara Kadin Indonesia 7th floor Jl.. Rasuna Said blok X-5 kav. 2 & 3
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia .
Phone (62-21)5227220 faks.(62-21) 5227221 telex. 60819 AAGRUP IA cable.
E-mail :
Operasional office (personalia) jl. Kebon Bawang V no. 9 Tanjung Priok
14320 Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 43911820/22 faks. (62-21) 43911821 /25 telex.
664039 AESCD IA
Crewing agent
Menara Global 19 th floor Jl. Gatot Subroto no. 27 Indonesia
Owner, crewing agent, ship management, charter
Gedung Graha Kirana , Jln. Yos Sudarso lantai 9 - Indonesia
Phone.(62-21) 6504577
Crewing agent (Malaysian International Shipping Company)
Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam V no. 11 Jakarta Indonesia
Phone . (62-21) 8354262
Crewing agent (Korean ship)
Jl. Mitra Sunter Blvd, komp SMR Rukan B/6 (samping Bank Danamon) Jakarta
Phone. (62-21) 6512884,6508320
NYK agent, crewing agent, charter
5th floor Nusantara Building Jl. MH Thamrin no 59 Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 3908490 fax. (62-21) 3904677
Shipping, land transportation, freight forwading, trading, industry
Jl. Berdikari no. 7-8 Tg. Priok Jakrta, Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 4301263, telex 64135 DWIKA IA, fax. (62-21) 495747
Crewing agent, ship agent (Greece ship/Greek)
Artamas Building VI 3rd Floor, Room 8-10 Jl. Jend. A. Yani No.2
Jakarta 13210
Phone. (62-21) 4894702 (direct) or (62-21)
4898118 .
Crewing agent, ship agent
Jl. Kelapa Muda III blok K no 17 Walang Baru, Tanjung Priok
Jakarta Utara.
Phone. (62-21) 4304112 fax. (62-21) 4304112
Crewing agent
Plaza Pacific, Jl. Bulevar Barat Raya blok B 4 no. 91,
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Utara, Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 45846253
Owner, ship management, crewing agent
6001Beach Road # 09-01 Golden Mille Tower Singapore 199589
Phone. 2973780
Ship management, crewing agent, owner
015 Outram Road 09-05 Tan Boon Liat Building Singapore
169074 (att. Mr.
Owner, ship management, crewing agent
no. 41 Tuas Road Singapore 2263
Phone. 8615050, 7560477
Crewing agent
14 Robinson Road # 08-02 Far East Finance Building
Singapore 648554
Phone. 2259938 (Mr. Amin Suo)
Owner, ship management, crewing agent
68 C komplek Damai Jalan Lumut Off. Jalan Ipoh 50400 Kuala Lumpur
Phone. (03) 4435336/4435337, fax. (03) 4411476
Jakarta office :PT. TRANS RIA SAMUDRA Jl. Bambu kuning no.
46 Jakarta,
Phone . (62-21) 7258752 (att.Capt. Ramelan/Capt. Ramli)
Crewing agent
Jl. Gadang Terusan no. 26 Tg. Priok Jakarta Utara, Indonesia (Pak
Crewing agent, ship management
Jl. Bukit Gading Indah Blok H no. 20 Kelapa Gading (samping
Makro) Indonesia
(att. Capt. Malonda)
Crewing agent
Jl. Menteng Terusan no. 9 A RT. 02/08 Lagoa Tg. Priok , Jakarta,
Phone. (62-21) 4300562
Crewing agent (Greece ship)
Jl. C Warakas gang IV no. 72 Tg. Priok Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 4300167 (Pak Halim)
Crewing agent
Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu
International shipping company, ship owners, operators,
charters and agencies
Wisma Mitra Sunter 1st Floor Suite 1-06, Boulevard Mitra
Sunter Blok C-2 Jl. Yos
Sudarso kav. 89 Jakarta 14350 Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 6514735 Fax. (62-21) 6514736
Dredging & marine contractors, general marine
services & suppliers
Wisma Mitra Sunter 1st Floor Suite 1-06, Boulevard Mitra
Sunter Blok C-2 Jl. Yos
Sudarso kav. 89 Jakarta 14350 Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 6514735 Fax. (62-21) 6514736
Ship suppliers
Jl. Salak 12 Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Phone. (62-282) 534997 Fax (62-282) 531367
Email :
Global freight forwarding & shipping line
Graha Cempaka Mas C- 28 , Jl. Letjen Suprapto, Jakarta 10640
- Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 4266253, (hunting) Fax (62-21) 4203860
telex . 49007 HKS IA
Email : (att. Capt.
Ananta Gultom)
website :
Crewing Agent
Jl. Walang Baru VII blok E 18 Jakarta Utara 14260
Phone/fax : (62-21) 495708
Ship owner, ship management, crewing, charter , other shipping
Jl. Senen Raya No. 44 Jakarta 10410
Phone. (62-21) 3456206 fax. (62-21) 3441461
Email :
Website :
Ship owners, ship management, ship agent, crewing agent and
shipbuilding consultant
Gedung Group Humpus 10 th Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 17 Jakarta
10110 Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 3522536 (hunting) fax. (62-21) 3522543 LNG
division phone.
(62-21) 3522527 fax.(62-21)3522527 telex. 44298 HUMPDP
IA cable. HST Jakarta
Pasengger ship operator, ship owner, etc
Head office : Jl. Gajah Mada 14 PO. Box 1115, Jakarta 10130
Phone. (62-21) 3844342 (hunting) telex. 44580, 45040, 45791,
40377 PELNI IA fax.
(62-21) 3854130 cable. PELNI
Ship classification, testing, laboratorium, inspection, oil and
gas cunsultancy,
inspection and consultancy of marine and industri
Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 38-39 Jakarta Utara 14010
Phone. 62-21-4301017,4300993, 430703 fax. 62-21-4300139,
492509, 496175
Ships owner, ship management, crewing agent, etc
Graha Bukaka Bld. Suite 402 4th FI Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu 17 A
Jakarta 12780
Phone. (62-21)7983401, 7983405 (hunting) fax. (62-21) 7983416,
7983417 (2 lines)
telex. 66100, 66104,66119
International Freight Forwarding
Jl. Haji Suit No. 20 Semper Barat, Jakarta Utara 14130 Indonesia
Phone/Fax : (62-21) 4407045
Shipping consultant, Agent, Ship suppliers etc for Chile (Arica
Port, Chile)
Cruz Del Sur 2285 Arica Primera Region, Chile
Telefax: 056 58 22 22 59
Crewing agent ( Antoni Veder, Netherland)
Gedung Perkantoran I Gedung IV Lantai I Ruang 2 Jl. Ahmad
Yani No. 2 Jakarta-Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 47867363
Crewing Agent (Singapore Company)
Lina Building 3rd Floor, Room 303 Jl. Rasuna Said Kav. B7 Jakarta
12910 Indonesia
Phone : (62-21)2526106, 2526107 Fax : (62-21) 5274179
Ship owner, ship management, broker, charter
Wisma SMR, 2nd Floor, Suite 204 Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 89, Jakarta
Phone: (62-21) 6522020 (hunting) - Fax (62-21) 6505646
E-mail :
Ship owner, ship management, charter, crewing agent
Jl. Tiang Bendera IV No. 45 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Phone . (62-21) 6904000
E-mail :
Website :
Ship owner, ship management, charter, crewing agent, etc.
Wisma BSG 11th Floor Jl. Abdul Muis No.40 Jakrta
Pusat 10160
Phone . (62-21) 3505350, 3505355 Fax. (62-21)
3803615, 3847683 Telex . 44626 APOL IA-46171 LAYAR IA
Ship owner, ship management, charter, crewing agent, etc
30 Jl. Tuku Cik Di Tiro Jakarta
Phone . (62-21) 330665 Telex. 69096 PRAMX IA JKT
Office : Menara Sudirman Building 7th Floor Suite A Jl.
Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50 JAkarta 12190 Jakrta 12190
Phone . (62-21) 5226587 / 89 , 5226607 / 17 Fax.
(62-21) 5226609
Shipping Agency and sea transportation
Jl. Agung Niaga III Blok G-4 No. 6 Sunter Agung Jakarta
14350 Indonesia
Phone. (62-21) 6519376, 6400514
Fax.(62-12) 6452968 Telex. 42415 TMSLTD IA
E-mail :
Crewing agent
Jl. Tebet Barat Raya No. 1-X (Kav. Jepang) Jakarta 12810
Phone. (62-21) 8354260/62 Fax. (62-21) 8354260
Radar, transsmiter, receiver, gyro compass, auto pilot and
immarsat repair specialist
Phone (62-21) 43904552 Fax. (62-21) 4367963
E-Mail :
(att. Hendra J)
Shipping and charter agency, trading (export-import),
shipping manning (crewing)
Kader Chamber (G/Fl.) 97, Agrabad C/A - Chittagong- 4100
Phone : 880-31-711267 Fax : 880-31-711268
Telex : 633119 ALBAG BJ
E-Mail :
Ship owner, crewing agents, ship charter, etc
Wisma 46- Kota BNI Suite 15.05 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 1
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 2515277 fax : (62-21) 2515276
Email :
(contact: Capt. W.S Trisno
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Banyak orang awam yg belum paham dgn scope kerja pelaut. dan bahkan pelaut tsb yg baru terjun belum memahami dgn baik.makanya hari ini aku mau nulis tentang yg satu ini tentang macam jenis kapal dan fungsinya. kata istilah kapal adalah sarana alat angkut/tranfortasi yg di gunakan sebagai kendaran di atas air baik yg mengunakan mesin atau mengunakan layar sebagi tenaga penggerakanya. nah. kapal yg ada saat ini macam macam typenya:
1. tanker, is a ship designed to transport liquids in bulk. Major types of tankship include the oil tanker, the chemical tanker, and the liquefied natural gas carrier.
kapal tannker ini pun dalam pengangkutan di bagi bagi lagi dari jenis atau typenya . juga akan berbeda beda. makin berbahaya muatan yg di bawah maka system design kapal itu pun akan makin canggih. demi keselamatan si awak kapal tsb.
2. car carrier shi/ Roll-on/roll-off (RORO or ro-ro) ships are vessels designed to carry wheeled cargo such as automobiles, trucks, semi-trailer trucks, trailers or railroad cars that are driven on and off the ship on their own wheels. This is in contrast to lo-lo (lift on-lift off) vessels which use a crane to load and unload cargo.
RORO vessels have built-in ramps which allow the cargo to be efficiently “rolled on” and “rolled off” the vessel when in port. While smaller ferries that operate across rivers and other short distances still often have built-in ramps, the term RORO is generally reserved for larger ocean-going vessels. The ramps and doors may be stern-only, or bow and stern for quick loading.
RORO vessels have built-in ramps which allow the cargo to be efficiently “rolled on” and “rolled off” the vessel when in port. While smaller ferries that operate across rivers and other short distances still often have built-in ramps, the term RORO is generally reserved for larger ocean-going vessels. The ramps and doors may be stern-only, or bow and stern for quick loading.
3. A ferry (or ferryboat) is a form of transport, usually a boat or ship, used to carry (or ferry) passengers and their vehicles across a body of water. Ferries are also used to transport freight (in lorries and sometimes unpowered freight containers) and even railroad cars. Most ferries operate on regular, frequent, return services. A foot-passenger ferry with many stops, such as in Venice, is sometimes called a water bus or water taxi.
3. A cruise ship or cruise liner is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship’s amenities are part of the experience. Cruising has become a major part of the tourism industry, with millions of passengers each year. . Cruise ships operate mostly on routes that return passengers to their originating port. In contrast, dedicated transport oriented ocean liners do “line voyages” and typically transport passengers from one point to another, rather than on round trips. Some cruise ships also engage in longer trips which may not lead back to the same port for many months (longer round trips
4. Container ships are cargo ships that carry all of their load in truck-size intermodal containers, in a technique called containerization. They form a common means of commercial intermodal freight transport.dgn system containerization maka pemuatan dan pembongkaran akan menjadi cepat. biasanya 4 s/d 6 jam kapal sudah siap untuk berlayar kembali.
5. A bulk carrier, bulk freighter, or bulkre is a merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo, such as grains, coal, ore, and cement in its cargo holds. kelebihan dari kapal ini adalah daya angkut yg besar karena broken stowagenya pun kecil.
6. A barge is a flat-bottomed boat, built mainly for river and canal transport of heavy goods. Some barges are not self-propelled and need to be towed by tugboats or pushed by towboats.
7. Hopper barge is a kind of non-mechanical ship or vessel that cannot move around by itself, unlike some other types of barges. Designed to carry materials, like rocks, sand, soil and rubbish, for dumping into the ocean, a river or lake for land reclamation.
8. A heavy lift ship is a vessel designed to move loads that cannot be handled by normally equipped ships. They are of two types: semi-submersibles capable of lifting another ship out of the water and transporting it; and vessels that augment unloading facilities at inadequately equipped ports.
9. A Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO; also called a “unit” and a “system”) is a type of floating tank system used by the offshore oil and gas industry and designed to take all of the oil or gas produced from nearby platforms or templates, process it, and store it until the oil or gas can be offloaded onto a tanker or transported through a pipeline.
10. A diving support vessel is a ship that is used as a floating base for professional diving projects
11. A fireboat is a specialized watercraft, often resembling a tugboat, with pumps and nozzles designed for fighting shoreline and shipboard fires.
12. A Platform supply vessel (often abbreviated as PSV) is a ship specially designed to supply offshore oil platforms. These ships range from 65 to 350 feet in length and accomplish a variety of tasks. The primary function for most of these vessels is transportation of goods and personnel to and from offshore oil platforms and other offshore structures
13. A tugboat (tug) is a boat that maneuvers vessels by pushing or towing them. Tugs move vessels that should not move themselves alone, such as ships in a crowded harbor or a narrow canal, or those that cannot move themselves, such as barges, disabled ships, or oil platforms. Tugboats are powerful for their size and strongly built, some are ocean-going. Some tugboats serve as icebreakers or salvage boats. Early tugboats had steam engines; today diesel engines are used.
14. A cable layer or cable ship is a deep-sea vessel designed and used to lay underwater cables for telecommunications, electricity, and such. A large superstructure, and one or more spools that feed off the transom, distinguish it from other types of ship.
15. A crane vessel, crane ship or floating crane is a ship that is specialized in lifting heavy loads. The largest crane vessels are often used for offshore construction. The larger vessels are often semi-submersibles, but also conventional monohulls are used. One of the differences with a sheerleg is that the cranes can rotate.
16. A drillship is a maritime vessel that has been fitted with drilling apparatus. It is most often used for exploratory drilling of new oil or gas wells in deep water or for scientific drilling. The drillship can also be used as a platform to carry out well maintenance or completion work such as casing and tubing installation or subsea tree installations. It is often built to the design specification of the oil production company and/or investors, but can also be a modified tanker hull outfitted with a dynamic positioning system to maintain its position over the well.Drillships are just one way to perform exploratory drilling. This function can also be performed by Semi-submersibles, jackup barges, barges, or platform rigs.
17. Dredging is an excavation activity or operation usually carried out at least partly underwater, in shallow seas or fresh water areas with the purpose of gathering up bottom sediments and disposing of them at a different location.A dredge is a device for scraping or sucking the seabed, Dredging can produce materials for land reclamation or other purposes (usually construction-related),
18. A fishing vessel is a boat or ship used to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. Many different kinds of vessels are used in commercial, artisanal and recreational fishing.
19. research vessel (RV or R/V) is a ship designed and equipped to carry out research at sea. Research vessels carry out a number of roles. Some of these roles can be combined into a single vessel, others require a dedicated vessel.
20. Harbor tugs. Historically tugboats were the first seagoing vessels to receive steam propulsion, freedom from the restraint of the wind, and capability of going in any direction. As such, they were employed in harbors to assist ships in docking and departure
Tugboats are highly maneuverable, and various propulsion systems have been developed to increase maneuverability and increase safety. The earliest tugs were fitted with paddle wheels, but these were soon replaced by propeller-driven tugs. Kort nozzles have been added to increase thrust per kW/hp. This was followed by the nozzle-rudder, which omitted the need for a conventional rudder. The cycloidal propeller was developed prior to World War II and was occasionally used in tugs because of its maneuverability. After World War II it was also linked to safety due to the development of the Voith Water Tractor, a tugboat configuration which could not be pulled over by its tow. In the late 1950s, the Z-drive or (azimuth thruster) was developed. Although sometimes referred to as the Schottel system, many brands exist: Schottel, Z-Peller, Duckpeller, Thrustmaster, Ulstein, Wärtsilä, etc. The propulsion systems are used on tugboats designed for tasks such as ship docking and marine construction. Conventional propeller/rudder configurations are more efficient for port-to-port towing.
21. A cargo ship or freighter is any sort of ship or vessel that carries cargo, goods, and materials from one port to another. Thousands of cargo carriers ply the world’s seas and oceans each year; they handle the bulk of international trade. Cargo ships are usually specially designed for the task, often being equipped with cranes and other mechanisms to load and unload, and come in all sizes
22. A warship is a ship that is built and primarily intended for combat. Warships are usually built in a completely different way than merchant ships. As well as being armed, warships are designed to withstand damage and are usually faster and more maneuverable than merchant ships. Unlike a merchant ship, a warship typically only carries weapons, ammunition and supplies for its own crew (rather than merchant cargo). Warships usually belong to a navy
23. Sailing ship is now used to refer to any large wind-powered vessel. In technical terms, a ship was a sailing vessel with a specific rig of at least three masts, square rigged on all of them, making the sailing adjective redundant. In popular usage “ship” became associated with all large sailing vessels and when steam power came along the adjective became necessary. Large sailing vessels which are not ship rigged may be more appropriately called boats.
24. A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation below the surface of the water. It differs from a submersible, which has only limited underwater capability. The term submarine most commonly refers to large crewed autonomous vessels; however, historically or more casually, submarine can also refer to medium sized or smaller vessels (midget submarines, wet subs), Remotely Operated Vehicles or robots. The word submarine was originally an adjective meaning “under the sea”, and so consequently other uses such as “submarine engineering” or “submarine cable” may not actually refer to submarines at all. Submarine was shortened from the term “submarine boat”.
25. The Landing Craft, Tank (Landing Craft Tank) was an amphibious assault ship for landing tanks on beachheads. The first examples appeared during the Second World War. They were used by the Royal Navy and U.S. Navy in World War II. The latter used them afterwards under different designations in the Korean War and the Vietnam War. During WWII, they were commonly called by their abbreviation, LCT.
kalau mau di jabarkan lagi, akan lebih panjang ceritanya seperti contoh untuk satu kapal saja seperti tanker sudahh banyak jenisnya dari Chemical tanker, Oil tanker, LNG carrier, LPG carrier, dan sebagainya.rangkuman di atas hanya sekedar garis besarnya saja. yg memudah orang mengenali dari scope kerja kapal kapal yg ada saat in
Pelaut Sejati Pasti'kan Pulang!!!
Wahai pelaut sejati, pengembara samudera
Jangan pernah ada kata kandas apalagi jera
Meski kapalmu retak dihantam gelombang
Meski kapalmu terkoyak digores batu karang
Wahai pelaut sejati, pengembara samudera biru
Hati setegar laut setegar karang, jadikan dirimu
Kelak semua badai pasti 'kan berlalu
Masih besar harapan 'tuk kembali bertemu
Pelaut sejati pasti 'kan pulang ke dermaga
Meski ada seribu luka di sekujur tubuhnya
Seluas-luas samudera pasti bertepi
Setiap ombak bergerak mencari pantai
Ketika terlihat burung-burung beterbangan di cakrawala
Pertanda daratan di depan sana, meski sayup-sayup terlihat mata
Harapan kembali selamat semakin nyata
Segeralah bergegas ke sana, ke daratan di depan mata
Segeralah kapalmu berlabuh di dermaga biru menyala
Meski itu cuma dermaga kecil di tengah samudera
Ketika telah tercium bau daratan
Bersuka-rialah wahai petualang jantan
Lempar jangkar jauh-jauh agar tersangkut
Lempar hingga terbenam di dasar laut
Gulung dan simpan semua layar masa lalu
Ikat erat semua itu dengan simpul mati di hatimu
Ikat kuat tali sauh kapal dengan simpul hati pejuang
Agar tak hilang kapalmu diseret gelombang
Pelaut sejati pasti 'kan pulang
Meski ada seribu badai menghadang!!!
Jangan pernah ada kata kandas apalagi jera
Meski kapalmu retak dihantam gelombang
Meski kapalmu terkoyak digores batu karang
Wahai pelaut sejati, pengembara samudera biru
Hati setegar laut setegar karang, jadikan dirimu
Kelak semua badai pasti 'kan berlalu
Masih besar harapan 'tuk kembali bertemu
Pelaut sejati pasti 'kan pulang ke dermaga
Meski ada seribu luka di sekujur tubuhnya
Seluas-luas samudera pasti bertepi
Setiap ombak bergerak mencari pantai
Ketika terlihat burung-burung beterbangan di cakrawala
Pertanda daratan di depan sana, meski sayup-sayup terlihat mata
Harapan kembali selamat semakin nyata
Segeralah bergegas ke sana, ke daratan di depan mata
Segeralah kapalmu berlabuh di dermaga biru menyala
Meski itu cuma dermaga kecil di tengah samudera
Ketika telah tercium bau daratan
Bersuka-rialah wahai petualang jantan
Lempar jangkar jauh-jauh agar tersangkut
Lempar hingga terbenam di dasar laut
Gulung dan simpan semua layar masa lalu
Ikat erat semua itu dengan simpul mati di hatimu
Ikat kuat tali sauh kapal dengan simpul hati pejuang
Agar tak hilang kapalmu diseret gelombang
Pelaut sejati pasti 'kan pulang
Meski ada seribu badai menghadang!!!
Alat NAVIGASI di kapal
Peralatan Navigasi kapal
di sekolah dulu kalau dosen sedang mengajar dan menerangakan sampai
sang dosen berbusa mulutnya. tapi si murid tak memperhatikan apa yg di
jelaskan di depan, kita harus bersyukur juga loh sama dosen dosen yg
killer dan streng jadi tak bodo bodo amat sama hasil lulusannya sedikit
banyak ilmu sang dosen menyerap di kepalanya. sbg pelaut adalah sang
navigator di atas kapal, ilmu melayari kapal harus di pahami. apa si
ilmu pelayaran seingat kita, adalag ilmu yg mengajari kita cara
membawah sebuah kapal dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dengan aman.
praktis dan ekonomis.
jadi Navigasi adalah penentuan posisi dan arah perjalanan baik di medan sebenarnya atau di peta, dan oleh sebab itulah pengetahuan tentang kompas dan peta, radar, arpa, GMDSS, live saving equipment, dan buku buku publikasi serta teknik penggunaannya haruslah dimiliki dan dipahami.Sebelum kompas ditemukan, navigasi dilakukan dengan melihat posisi benda-benda langit seperti matahari dan bintang-bintang dilangit, yang tentunya bermasalah kalau langit sedang mendung. kapal kapal sekarang sudah canggig canggih baik dari system elektronik yg terus bermunculan sehingga mempermudahkan kita dalam menentukan posisi kapal. tapi alat alat tradisional yg di ajarkan Bpk. ML Palumian jgn di lupakan karena suatu saat pasti kita harus mempergunakannya. banyak buku buku yg terbit oleh Captain captain senior kita yg mengajarkan cara melayari kapal dgn baik. salah satunya adalah perangakat navigasi, semua pelaut harus mengenal dan dapat menggunakannya semaksimal mungkil agar tercapai keselamatan dalam rute pelayarannya, apalagi adik adik kita yg masi taruna mereka wajib hukumnya. salah satu alat alat tersebut sebagai berikut:
1.Peta merupakan
perlengkapan utama dalam pelayaran penggambaran dua dimensi (pada
bidang datar) keseluruhan atau sebagian dari permukaan bumi yang
diproyeksikan dengan perbandingan/skala tertentu
atau dengan kata lain representasi dua dimensi dari suatu ruang tiga dimensi. Ilmu yang mempelajari pembuatan peta disebut kartografi.
Proyeksi peta menurut jenis bidang proyeksi dibedakan :
Proyeksi bidang datar / Azimuthal / Zenithal
Proyeksi Kerucut
Proyeksi Silinder Proyeksi peta menurut kedudukan bidang proyeksi dibedakan :
Proyeksi normal
Proyeksi miring
Proyeksi transversal Proyeksi peta menurut jenis unsur yang bebas distorsi dibedakan:
Proyeksi conform, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya sudut
Proyeksi equidistant, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya panjang jarak
Proyeksi equivalent, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya luas suatu daerah pada bidang lengkung
2. Kompas adalah
alat penunjuk arah yang selalu menunjuk kearah Utara, dengan melihat
arah Utara-Selatan pada Kompas dan dengan membandingkannya dengan arah
Utara Peta kita sudah dapat mengorientasikan posisi pada petaKompas adalah
alat navigasi untuk mencari arah berupa sebuah panah penunjuk magnetis
yang bebas menyelaraskan dirinya dengan medan magnet bumi secara akurat.
Kompas memberikan rujukan arah tertentu, sehingga sangat membantu dalam
bidang navigasi. Arah mata angin yang ditunjuknya adalah utara,
selatan, timur, dan barat. Apabila digunakan bersama-sama dengan jam dan
sekstan, maka kompas akan lebih akurat dalam menunjukkan arah. Alat ini
membantu perkembangan perdagangan maritim dengan membuat perjalanan
jauh lebih aman dan efisien dibandingkan saat manusia masih berpedoman
pada kedudukan bintang untuk menentukan arah.
Alat apa pun yang memiliki batang atau jarum magnetis yang bebas bergerak menunjuk arah utara magnetis dari magnetosfer sebuah planet sudah bisa dianggap sebagai kompas. Kompas jam adalah kompas yang dilengkapi dengan jam matahari. Kompas variasi adalah alat khusus berstruktur rapuh yang digunakan dengan cara mengamati variasi pergerakan jarum. Girokompas digunakan untuk menentukan utara sejati.
Lokasi magnet di Kutub Utara selalu bergeser dari masa ke masa. Penelitian terakhir yang dilakukan oleh The Geological Survey of Canada melaporkan bahwa posisi magnet ini bergerak kira-kira 40 km per tahun ke arah barat laut.
Berikut ini adalah arah mata angin yang dapat ditentukan kompas.
Utara (disingkat U atau N)
Barat (disingkat B atau W)
Timur (disingkat T atau E)
Selatan (disingkat S)
Barat laut (antara barat dan utara, disingkat NW)
Timur laut (antara timur dan utara, disingkat NE)
Barat daya (antara barat dan selatan, disingkat SW)
Tenggara (antara timur dan selatan, disingkat SE)

3. GPS Salah
satu perlengkapan modern untuk navigasi adalah Global Positioning
Satelite/GPS adalah perangkat yang dapat mengetahui posisi koordinat
bumi secara tepat yang dapat secara langsung menerima sinyal dari
satelit. Perangkat GPS modern menggunakan peta sehingga merupakan
perangkat modern dalam navigasi di darat, kapal di laut, sungai dan
danau serta pesawat udara
Global Positioning System (GPS) adalah satu-satunya sistem navigasi satelit yang berfungsi dengan baik. Sistem ini menggunakan 24 satelit yang mengirimkan sinyal gelombang mikro ke Bumi. Sinyal ini diterima oleh alat penerima di permukaan, dan digunakan untuk menentukan posisi, kecepatan, arah, dan waktu. Sistem yang serupa dengan GPS anatara lain GLONASS Rusia, Galileo Uni Eropa, IRNSS India.
Sistem ini dikembangkan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat, dengan nama lengkapnya adalah NAVSTAR GPS (kesalahan umum adalah bahwa NAVSTAR adalah sebuah singkatan, ini adalah salah, NAVSTAR adalah nama yang diberikan oleh John Walsh, seorang penentu kebijakan penting dalam program GPS).[1] Kumpulan satelit ini diurus oleh 50th Space Wing Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. Biaya perawatan sistem ini sekitar US$750 juta per tahun,[2] termasuk penggantian satelit lama, serta riset dan pengembangan.
4. Radar
sangat bermanfaat dalam navigasiKapal laut dan kapal terbang modern
sekarang dilengkapi dengan radar untuk mendeteksi kapal/pesawat lain,
cuaca/ awan yang dihadapi di depan sehingga bisa menghindar dari bahaya
yang ada di depan pesawat/kapal.Radar (dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan singkatan dari radio detection and ranging,
yang berarti deteksi dan penjarakan radio) adalah sistem yang digunakan
untuk mendeteksi, mengukur jarak dan membuat map benda-benda seperti
pesawat dan hujan. Istilah radar pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1941,
menggantikan istilah dari singkatan Inggris RDF (Radio Directon
Finding). Gelombang radio kuat dikirim dan sebuah penerima mendengar
gema yang kembali. Dengan menganalisa sinyal yang dipantulkan, pemantul
gema dapat ditentukan lokasinya dan kadang-kadang ditentukan jenisnya.
Walaupun sinyal yang diterima kecil, tapi radio sinyal dapat dengan
mudah dideteksi dan diperkuat.
Gelombang radio radar dapat diproduksi dengan kekuatan yang diinginkan, dan mendeteksi gelombang yang lemah, dan kemudian diamplifikasi( diperkuat ) beberapa kali. Oleh karena itu radar digunakan untuk mendeteksi objek jarak jauh yang tidak dapat dideteksi oleh suara atau cahaya. Penggunaan radar sangat luas, alat ini bisa digunakan di bidang meteorologi, pengaturan lalu lintas udara, deteksi kecepatan oleh polisi, dan terutama oleh militer.

A maritime radar with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA)
capability can create tracks using radar contacts. The system can
calculate the tracked object's course, speed and closest point of
approach (CPA), thereby knowing if there is a danger of collision with
the other ship or landmass.
A typical ARPA gives a presentation of the current situation and uses computer technology to predict future situations. An ARPA assesses the risk of collision, and enables operator to see proposed maneuvers by own ship.While many different models of ARPAs are available on the market, the following functions are usually provided:
a. True or relative motion radar presentation.
b. Automatic acquisition of targets plus manual acquisition. Digital read-out of acquired targets which provides course, speed, range, bearing, closest point of approach (CPA, and time to CPA (TCPA).
c. The ability to display collision assessment information directly on the PPI, using vectors (true or relative) or a graphical Predicted Area of Danger (PAD) display.
d. The ability to perform trial maneuvers, including course changes, speed changes, and combined course/speed changes. Automatic ground stabilization for navigation purposes.
e. ARPA processes radar information much more rapidly than conventional radar but is still subject to the same limitations.
f. ARPA data is only as accurate as the data that comes from inputs such as the gyro and speed log.
5. Telegraf merupakan
sebuah mesin untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan pada jarak
jauh.mengunahkan Kode Morse dengan frekwensi gelobang radio, kode morse adalah
metode dalam pengiriman informasi, dengan menggunakan standard data
pengiriman nada atau suara,cahaya dengan membedakan ketukan dash dan dot
dari pesan kalimat, kata,huruf, angka dan tanda baca. Kode morse dapat
dikirimkan melalui peluit,bendera, cahaya, dan ketukan morse.
6. Sonar (Singkatan dari bahasa Inggris: sound navigation and ranging),merupakan
istilah Amerika yang pertama kali digunakan semasa Perang Dunia, yang
berarti penjarakan dan navigasi suara, adalah sebuah teknik yang
menggunakan penjalaran suara dalam air untuk navigasi atau mendeteksi
kendaraan air lainnya. Sementara itu, Inggris punya sebutan lain untuk
sonar, yakni ASDIC (Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee.
Sonar merupakan sistem yang menggunakan gelombang suara bawah air yang
dipancarkan dan dipantulkan untuk mendeteksi dan menetapkan lokasi obyek
di bawah laut atau untuk mengukur jarak bawah laut. Sejauh ini sonar
telah luas digunakan untuk mendeteksi kapal selam dan ranjau, mendeteksi
kedalaman, penangkapan ikan komersial, keselamatan penyelaman, dan
komunikasi di laut.
Cara kerja perlengkapan sonar adalah dengan mengirim gelombang suara bawah permukaan dan kemudian menunggu untuk gelombang pantulan (echo). Data suara dipancar ulang ke operator melalui pengeras suara atau ditayangkan pada monitor.

7. EPIRB cara
kerja melalui Cospas-Sarsat merupakan sistem search and Rescue (SAR)
berbasis satelit internasional yang pertama kali digagas oleh empat
negara yaitu Perancis, Kanada, Amerika Serikat dan Rusia (dahulu Uni
Soviet) pada tahun 1979. Misi program Cospas-Sarsat adalah untuk
memberikan bantuan pelaksanaan SAR dengan menyediakan distress alert dan
data lokasi secara akurat, terukur serta dapat dipercaya kepada seluruh
komonitas internasional. Tujuannya agar dikuranginya sebanyak mungkin
keterlambatan dalam melokasi suatu distress alert sehingga operasi akan
berdampak besar dalam peningkangkatan probabilitas keselamatan korban.
Keempat negara tersebut mengemabangkan suatu sistem satelit yang mampu
mendeteksi beacon pada frekuensi 121,5/243 MHz dan 406 MHz. Emergency
Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)adalah beacon 406 Mhz untuk
pelayaran merupakan elemen dari Global Maritime Distress Safety System
(GMDSS) yang didesain beroperasi dengan sistem the Cospas-Sarsat. EPIRB
sekerang menjadi persyaratan dalam konvensi internasioal bagi kapal
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Mulai 1 Februari 2009, sistem
Cospas-Sarsat hanya akan memproses beacon pada frekuensi 406 MHz. Cospas
merupakan akronim dari Cosmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov
sedangkan Sarsat merupakan akronim dari Search And Rescue
Satellite-Aided Tracking
Prinsip Kerja
Ketika beacon aktif, sinyal akan diterima oleh satelit selanjutnya diteruskan ke Local User Terminal (LUT) untuk diproses seperti penentuan posisi, encoded data dan lain-lainnya. Selanjutnya data ini diteruskan ke Mission Control Cetre (MCC) di manage. Bila posisi tersebut diluar wilayahnya akan dikirim ke MCC yang bersangkutan, bila di dalam wilayahnya makan akan diteruskan ke instansi yang bertanggung jawab.
8. Navtex is
an international, automated system for instantly distributing maritime
navigational warnings, weather forecasts and warnings, search and rescue
notices and similar information to ships. A small, low-cost and
self-contained "smart" printing radio receiver installed on the bridge,
or the place from where the ship is navigated, and checks each incoming
message to see if it has been received during an earlier transmission,
or if it is of a category of no interest to the ship's master. The
frequency of transmission of these messages is 518 kHz in English, while
490 kHz is used to broadcast in local language.
The messages are coded with a header code identified by the using alphabets to represent broadcasting stations, type of messages, and followed by two figures indicating the serial number of the message.
9. Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) devices
which are used to locate survival craft or distressed vessels by
creating a series of dots on a rescuing ship's 3 cm radar display. The
detection range between these devices and ships, dependent upon the
height of the ship's radar mast and the height of the SART, is normally
about 15 km (8 nautical miles). Note that a marine radar may not detect a
SART even within this distance, if the radar settings are not optimized
for SART detection.
Once detected by radar, the SART will produce a visual and aural indication.
10. Radio GMDSS Digital
Selective Calling (DSC) on MF, HF and VHF maritime radios as part of
the GMDSS system. DSC is primarily intended to initiate ship-to-ship,
ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship radiotelephone and MF/HF radiotelex
calls. DSC calls can also be made to individual stations, groups of
stations, or "all stations" in one's reach. Each DSC-equipped ship,
shore station and group is assigned a unique 9-digit Maritime Mobile
Service Identity.
DSC distress alerts, which consist of a preformatted distress message, are used to initiate emergency communications with ships and rescue coordination centers. DSC was intended to eliminate the need for persons on a ship's bridge or on shore to continuously guard radio receivers on voice radio channels, including VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) and 2182 kHz now used for distress, safety and calling. A listening watch aboard GMDSS-equipped ships on 2182 kHz
11. Sextans is
a minor equatorial constellation which was introduced in the 17th
century by Johannes Hevelius. Its name is Latin for the astronomical
sextant, an instrument that Hevelius made frequent use of in his
observations dalam dunia pelayaran di gunakan untuk menentukan posisi
kapal dengan menghitung ketingaian benda angkasa dan azimutnya.
12. LORAN (LOng
RAnge Navigation[1]) is a terrestrial radio navigation system using low
frequency radio transmitters that uses multiple transmitters
(multilateration) to determine location and/or speed of the receiver.
The current version of LORAN in common use is LORAN-C, which operates in
the low frequency portion of the EM spectrum from 90 to 110 kHz. ,
mainly to serve as a backup to GPS and other GNSS systemsThe
navigational method provided by LORAN is based on the principle of the
time difference between the receipt of signals from a pair of radio
transmitters.[3] A given constant time difference between the signals
from the two stations can be represented by a hyperbolic line of
position (LOP). If the positions of the two synchronized stations are
known, then the position of the receiver can be determined as being
somewhere on a particular hyperbolic curve where the time difference
between the received signals is constant. In ideal conditions, this is
proportionally equivalent to the difference of the distances from the
receiver to each of the two stations.
By itself, with only two stations, the 2-dimensional position of the receiver cannot be fixed. A second application of the same principle must be used, based on the time difference of a different pair of stations. In practice, one of the stations in the second pair may also be—and frequently is—in the first pair. By determining the intersection of the two hyperbolic curves identified by the application of this method, a geographic fix can be determined.
13. Nautical publications is
a technical term used in maritime circles describing a set of
publications, generally published by national governments, for use in
safe navigation of ships, boats, and similar vessels.
semua buku buku navigasi yg berhubungan dengan daerah yg akan di layari harus ada di atas kapal sebagai panduan bagi para navigator. agar terciptanya pelayaran yg aman/safe navigation
14. Marine VHF radio is
installed on all large ships and most motorized small craft. It is used
for a wide variety of purposes, including summoning rescue services and
communicating with harbours, locks, bridges and marinas, and operates
in the VHF frequency range, between 156 to 174 MHz. Although it is
widely used for collision avoidance, its use for this purpose is
contentious and is strongly discouraged by some countries, A marine VHF
set is a combined transmitter and receiver and only operates on
standard, international frequencies known as channels. Channel 16 (156.8
MHz) is the international calling and distress
Marine VHF mostly uses "simplex" transmission, where communication can only take place in one direction at a time. A transmit button on the set or microphone determines whether it is operating as a transmitter or a receiver. The majority of channels, however, are set aside for "duplex" transmissions channels where communication can take place in both directions simultaneously [3]. Each duplex channel has two frequency assignments. This is mainly because, in the days before mobile phones and satcomms became widespread, the duplex channels could be used to place calls on the public telephone system for a fee via a marine operator. This facility is still available in some areas, though its use has largely died out. In US waters, Marine VHF radios can also receive weather radio broadcasts, where they are available, on receive-only channels wx1, wx2, etc.
13.Inmarsat-C is
a two-way, packet data service operated by the telecommunications
company Inmarsat. The service is approved for use under the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), meets the requirements for
Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS) defined by the International Marine
Organization (IMO) and is the most widely used service in fishing Vessel
Monitoring Systems (VMS).
The service offers data transfer; e-mail; SMS, crew calling; telex; remote monitoring; tracking (position reporting); chart and weather updates; maritime safety information (MSI); maritime security; GMDSS; and SafetyNET and FleetNET services.
The service is operated via an Inmarsat-C Transceiver or a lower-power mini-C Transceiver. Both offering and approved for the same service.The service is available for maritime, land mobile and aeronautical use.
14. The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is
a short range coastal tracking system used on ships and by Vessel
Traffic Services (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by
electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations.
Information such as unique identification, position, course, and speed
can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS. AIS is intended to assist the
vessel's watchstanding officers and allow maritime authorities to track
and monitor vessel movements, and integrates a standardized VHF
transceiver system such as a LORAN-C or Global Positioning System
receiver, with other electronic navigation sensors, such as a
gyrocompass or rate of turn indicator.
The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons, and all passenger ships regardless of size. It is estimated that more than 40,000 ships currently carry AIS class A equipment.[citation needed]
Ships outside AIS radio range can be tracked with the Long Range Identification and Tracking system with less frequent transmission
15. Binoarculs,
field glasses or binocular telescopes are a pair of identical or
mirror-symmetrical telescopes mounted side-by-side and aligned to point
accurately in the same direction, allowing the viewer to use both eyes
with binocular vision when viewing distant objects. Most are sized to be
held using both hands, although there are much larger types. Small,
low-power binoculars for use at performance events are known as opera
glasses (see below). Many different abbreviations are used for
binoculars, including glasses and bins
Unlike a monocular telescope, binoculars give users a three-dimensional image: the two views, presented from slightly different viewpoints to each of the viewer's eyes, produce a merged view with depth perception. There is no need to close or obstruct one eye to avoid confusion, as is usual with monocular telescopes. The use of both eyes also significantly increases the perceived visual acuity, even at distances where depth perception is not apparent (such as when looking at astronomical objects).
16. Echo sounder is
the technique of using sound pulses directed from the surface or from a
submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by
means of sound waves. Echo sounding can also refer to hydroacoustic
"echo sounders" defined as active sound in water (sonar) ,Distance is
measured by multiplying half the time from the signal's outgoing pulse
to its return by the speed of sound in the water, which is approximately
1.5 kilometres per second. Echo sounding is effectively a special
purpose application of sonar used to locate the bottom.As well as an aid
to navigation (most larger vessels will have at least a simple depth
sounder), echo sounding is commonly used for fishing. Variations in
elevation often represent places where fish congregate. Schools of fish
will also register. Most charted ocean depths use an average or standard
sound speed. Where greater accuracy is required average and even
seasonal standards may be applied to ocean regions. For high accuracy
depths, usually restricted to special purpose or scientific surveys, a
sensor may be lowered to observe the factors (temperature, pressure and
salinity) used to calculate sound speed and thus determine the actual
sound speed in the local water column
Dari rangkuman di atas seperti telegraf saat ini sudah tidak di gunakan lagi. dan mengenai inmarsat masi ada inmarsat A dan M yg biasa di gunakan. biasanya di kapal mengunakan 2 system inmarsat A dan C karena biaya dan cost serta system lebih mudah. dalam pengiriman fax, email dan call. perangkat navigasi yg traditional pun masi banyak yg belum termasuk, seperti topdal merka, dan ssebagainya.ini hanya sebagian semoga bermanfaat buat calon pelaut atau pelautnya sendiri yg ingin mengingat lagi alat alat navigasi di atas kapal.
jadi Navigasi adalah penentuan posisi dan arah perjalanan baik di medan sebenarnya atau di peta, dan oleh sebab itulah pengetahuan tentang kompas dan peta, radar, arpa, GMDSS, live saving equipment, dan buku buku publikasi serta teknik penggunaannya haruslah dimiliki dan dipahami.Sebelum kompas ditemukan, navigasi dilakukan dengan melihat posisi benda-benda langit seperti matahari dan bintang-bintang dilangit, yang tentunya bermasalah kalau langit sedang mendung. kapal kapal sekarang sudah canggig canggih baik dari system elektronik yg terus bermunculan sehingga mempermudahkan kita dalam menentukan posisi kapal. tapi alat alat tradisional yg di ajarkan Bpk. ML Palumian jgn di lupakan karena suatu saat pasti kita harus mempergunakannya. banyak buku buku yg terbit oleh Captain captain senior kita yg mengajarkan cara melayari kapal dgn baik. salah satunya adalah perangakat navigasi, semua pelaut harus mengenal dan dapat menggunakannya semaksimal mungkil agar tercapai keselamatan dalam rute pelayarannya, apalagi adik adik kita yg masi taruna mereka wajib hukumnya. salah satu alat alat tersebut sebagai berikut:

atau dengan kata lain representasi dua dimensi dari suatu ruang tiga dimensi. Ilmu yang mempelajari pembuatan peta disebut kartografi.
Proyeksi peta menurut jenis bidang proyeksi dibedakan :
Proyeksi bidang datar / Azimuthal / Zenithal
Proyeksi Kerucut
Proyeksi Silinder Proyeksi peta menurut kedudukan bidang proyeksi dibedakan :
Proyeksi normal
Proyeksi miring
Proyeksi transversal Proyeksi peta menurut jenis unsur yang bebas distorsi dibedakan:
Proyeksi conform, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya sudut
Proyeksi equidistant, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya panjang jarak
Proyeksi equivalent, merupakan jenis proyeksi yang mempertahankan besarnya luas suatu daerah pada bidang lengkung

Alat apa pun yang memiliki batang atau jarum magnetis yang bebas bergerak menunjuk arah utara magnetis dari magnetosfer sebuah planet sudah bisa dianggap sebagai kompas. Kompas jam adalah kompas yang dilengkapi dengan jam matahari. Kompas variasi adalah alat khusus berstruktur rapuh yang digunakan dengan cara mengamati variasi pergerakan jarum. Girokompas digunakan untuk menentukan utara sejati.
Lokasi magnet di Kutub Utara selalu bergeser dari masa ke masa. Penelitian terakhir yang dilakukan oleh The Geological Survey of Canada melaporkan bahwa posisi magnet ini bergerak kira-kira 40 km per tahun ke arah barat laut.
Berikut ini adalah arah mata angin yang dapat ditentukan kompas.
Utara (disingkat U atau N)
Barat (disingkat B atau W)
Timur (disingkat T atau E)
Selatan (disingkat S)
Barat laut (antara barat dan utara, disingkat NW)
Timur laut (antara timur dan utara, disingkat NE)
Barat daya (antara barat dan selatan, disingkat SW)
Tenggara (antara timur dan selatan, disingkat SE)

Global Positioning System (GPS) adalah satu-satunya sistem navigasi satelit yang berfungsi dengan baik. Sistem ini menggunakan 24 satelit yang mengirimkan sinyal gelombang mikro ke Bumi. Sinyal ini diterima oleh alat penerima di permukaan, dan digunakan untuk menentukan posisi, kecepatan, arah, dan waktu. Sistem yang serupa dengan GPS anatara lain GLONASS Rusia, Galileo Uni Eropa, IRNSS India.
Sistem ini dikembangkan oleh Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat, dengan nama lengkapnya adalah NAVSTAR GPS (kesalahan umum adalah bahwa NAVSTAR adalah sebuah singkatan, ini adalah salah, NAVSTAR adalah nama yang diberikan oleh John Walsh, seorang penentu kebijakan penting dalam program GPS).[1] Kumpulan satelit ini diurus oleh 50th Space Wing Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat. Biaya perawatan sistem ini sekitar US$750 juta per tahun,[2] termasuk penggantian satelit lama, serta riset dan pengembangan.

Gelombang radio radar dapat diproduksi dengan kekuatan yang diinginkan, dan mendeteksi gelombang yang lemah, dan kemudian diamplifikasi( diperkuat ) beberapa kali. Oleh karena itu radar digunakan untuk mendeteksi objek jarak jauh yang tidak dapat dideteksi oleh suara atau cahaya. Penggunaan radar sangat luas, alat ini bisa digunakan di bidang meteorologi, pengaturan lalu lintas udara, deteksi kecepatan oleh polisi, dan terutama oleh militer.

A typical ARPA gives a presentation of the current situation and uses computer technology to predict future situations. An ARPA assesses the risk of collision, and enables operator to see proposed maneuvers by own ship.While many different models of ARPAs are available on the market, the following functions are usually provided:
a. True or relative motion radar presentation.
b. Automatic acquisition of targets plus manual acquisition. Digital read-out of acquired targets which provides course, speed, range, bearing, closest point of approach (CPA, and time to CPA (TCPA).
c. The ability to display collision assessment information directly on the PPI, using vectors (true or relative) or a graphical Predicted Area of Danger (PAD) display.
d. The ability to perform trial maneuvers, including course changes, speed changes, and combined course/speed changes. Automatic ground stabilization for navigation purposes.
e. ARPA processes radar information much more rapidly than conventional radar but is still subject to the same limitations.
f. ARPA data is only as accurate as the data that comes from inputs such as the gyro and speed log.

Cara kerja perlengkapan sonar adalah dengan mengirim gelombang suara bawah permukaan dan kemudian menunggu untuk gelombang pantulan (echo). Data suara dipancar ulang ke operator melalui pengeras suara atau ditayangkan pada monitor.

Prinsip Kerja
Ketika beacon aktif, sinyal akan diterima oleh satelit selanjutnya diteruskan ke Local User Terminal (LUT) untuk diproses seperti penentuan posisi, encoded data dan lain-lainnya. Selanjutnya data ini diteruskan ke Mission Control Cetre (MCC) di manage. Bila posisi tersebut diluar wilayahnya akan dikirim ke MCC yang bersangkutan, bila di dalam wilayahnya makan akan diteruskan ke instansi yang bertanggung jawab.

The messages are coded with a header code identified by the using alphabets to represent broadcasting stations, type of messages, and followed by two figures indicating the serial number of the message.

Once detected by radar, the SART will produce a visual and aural indication.

DSC distress alerts, which consist of a preformatted distress message, are used to initiate emergency communications with ships and rescue coordination centers. DSC was intended to eliminate the need for persons on a ship's bridge or on shore to continuously guard radio receivers on voice radio channels, including VHF channel 16 (156.8 MHz) and 2182 kHz now used for distress, safety and calling. A listening watch aboard GMDSS-equipped ships on 2182 kHz

By itself, with only two stations, the 2-dimensional position of the receiver cannot be fixed. A second application of the same principle must be used, based on the time difference of a different pair of stations. In practice, one of the stations in the second pair may also be—and frequently is—in the first pair. By determining the intersection of the two hyperbolic curves identified by the application of this method, a geographic fix can be determined.

semua buku buku navigasi yg berhubungan dengan daerah yg akan di layari harus ada di atas kapal sebagai panduan bagi para navigator. agar terciptanya pelayaran yg aman/safe navigation

Marine VHF mostly uses "simplex" transmission, where communication can only take place in one direction at a time. A transmit button on the set or microphone determines whether it is operating as a transmitter or a receiver. The majority of channels, however, are set aside for "duplex" transmissions channels where communication can take place in both directions simultaneously [3]. Each duplex channel has two frequency assignments. This is mainly because, in the days before mobile phones and satcomms became widespread, the duplex channels could be used to place calls on the public telephone system for a fee via a marine operator. This facility is still available in some areas, though its use has largely died out. In US waters, Marine VHF radios can also receive weather radio broadcasts, where they are available, on receive-only channels wx1, wx2, etc.

The service offers data transfer; e-mail; SMS, crew calling; telex; remote monitoring; tracking (position reporting); chart and weather updates; maritime safety information (MSI); maritime security; GMDSS; and SafetyNET and FleetNET services.
The service is operated via an Inmarsat-C Transceiver or a lower-power mini-C Transceiver. Both offering and approved for the same service.The service is available for maritime, land mobile and aeronautical use.

The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross tonnage (GT) of 300 or more tons, and all passenger ships regardless of size. It is estimated that more than 40,000 ships currently carry AIS class A equipment.[citation needed]
Ships outside AIS radio range can be tracked with the Long Range Identification and Tracking system with less frequent transmission

Unlike a monocular telescope, binoculars give users a three-dimensional image: the two views, presented from slightly different viewpoints to each of the viewer's eyes, produce a merged view with depth perception. There is no need to close or obstruct one eye to avoid confusion, as is usual with monocular telescopes. The use of both eyes also significantly increases the perceived visual acuity, even at distances where depth perception is not apparent (such as when looking at astronomical objects).

Dari rangkuman di atas seperti telegraf saat ini sudah tidak di gunakan lagi. dan mengenai inmarsat masi ada inmarsat A dan M yg biasa di gunakan. biasanya di kapal mengunakan 2 system inmarsat A dan C karena biaya dan cost serta system lebih mudah. dalam pengiriman fax, email dan call. perangkat navigasi yg traditional pun masi banyak yg belum termasuk, seperti topdal merka, dan ssebagainya.ini hanya sebagian semoga bermanfaat buat calon pelaut atau pelautnya sendiri yg ingin mengingat lagi alat alat navigasi di atas kapal.
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